The Evangelical Subversion of Myth, by René Girard

Simon de Keukelaere's 2006 Contagion article on Virginia Woolf's The Waves

Mark Anspach's 2006 comparison of primitive and modern economies

"The Deepening Impasse of Modernity," Stephen Gardner's review of Battling to the End

A paper by Scott Garrels on Girard's mimetic theory and empirical imitation research


Peter Thiel explains what René Girard's ideas have meant for him

Book launch event, "Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World," Cambridge Festival of Ideas

René Girard's 2008 COV&R keynote lecture, "Scapegoating at Çatalhöyük" (part 1 of 8)

Roberto Calasso's 2014 René Girard Lecture, "The Last Superstition"

Timothy Snyder's 2013 René Girard Lecture, "Why Did the Holocaust Happen?"


Yale prof González Echevarría gives a Girardian reading of Cervantes

Visit Paul Nuechterlein's website, "Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary"

University of Innsbruck's searchable database of publications related to mimetic theory

David Cayley's 2001 CBC interview with René Girard (audio only; part 1 of 5)

Cynthia Haven's obituary tribute to René Girard from the Stanford News Service